Dog Lodging Amenities
Have your pup join in all day play while they stay! Monday - Friday, they can participate in our Canine Playschool for maximum fun and exercise!
Sign your pet up to make new friends and get exercise during their stay! Offered daily for 1 hour.
TENNIS TIME – $8/session
Ten minute one-on-one time with a loving staff member playing fetch with tennis ball or favorite toy. We provide tennis balls but feel free to bring your pet's favorite toy. Just make sure it is clearly marked with your pet's first/last name.
Ten minute one-on-one time with a loving staff member snuggling and cuddling with your pet in the comfort of their bed.
Kong treat - $6/peanut butter TREAT or $7/TREAT for specialty Kongs
Treat your pet to a Kong filled with peanut butter for an extra snack and a toy to enjoy.
Specialty Kongs now available! We can freeze or fill your pet’s Kong with cheese or whipped cream for an additional $1.
Clean, cozy bedding will be provided for every guest, however, if you would like to upgrade we have orthopedic beds available.
Cat Lodging Amenities
Romp & Roam - $8/hour
During this hour they can scratch, climb or sun bathe on our several cat play equipment options.
Cat Nip Toy - $6/toy
A fun filled toy stuffed with fresh cat nip for hours of kitty enjoyment.
Snuggle Time - $8/session
Ten minute one-on-one time with a loving staff member snuggling and cuddling with your cat.