What is Canine Playschool?
Playschool is a refined version of dog daycare. It takes into consideration several important elements that we feel are essential for our canine friends to have a safe, happy and interactive play environment. The size of our playschool will be limited with smaller staff to guest ratios than most normal dog daycare facilities. Games and social behavior training will be incorporated daily into the program. Also, rest times are scheduled throughout the day so that our four-legged students don’t get over stimulated. FPK playschool provides a balanced, organized environment so that your dog can have positive social interactions with our staff and their tail wagging friends.
Is my dog a good fit for Canine Playschool?
Are you wondering if Canine Playschool is right for your dog? There is one way to find out! We will be offering free Playschool Compatibility Days for your four-legged family members on designated days throughout each week. Potential Playschool participants will be dropped off in the morning and picked-up at the end of the day. During pick up, a staff member will discuss your pet's compatibility with our Canine Playschool program. Not every dog's temperament is conducive to this socially interactive environment but you also may be surprised how many different personalities can successfully play and learn together.
All dogs over 7 months old must be spayed or neutered to participate in Canine Playschool.
Playschool compatibility DAY
Drop off in the morning
Evaluator and canine tour facility
Introduced to select dogs individually
Playtime with small group of dogs
Introduced to Playschool participants
Evaluation with owner at pick up
Canine Playschool is offered Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm!
2025 Playschool Pricing
10 day package: $31/day
20 day package: $29/day
Add Playschool to your pet’s lodging reservation $30/DAY